Voluntary Home Property Insurance
Home property insurance is a type of property insurance, the object of which is the property interests related to the possession, use and disposal of the insured property. Objects of Insurance: household assets used in private households, as well as elements of decoration and equipment of apartments. The policy of the State Insurance Organization of Turkmenistan will help to protect your household property out of trouble and reduce costs for its restoration
CalculateWhat we insure against?
Nature disasters: flood, storm, hurricane, tornado, downpour, hailstones, collapse, avalanche, landslip, exit of under soil waters, high water, mud flow, long rains unusual to given region and plentiful snowfall, lightning stroke, slump of ground, earthquake; Accidents: fire, explosion, incursion of vehicle, falling of trees and flying machines, failure of heating systems, water supply, water drain, penetration of water from the next premises, sudden destruction of the basic designs of structures (premises) in which there is a property; Deliberate, wrongful actions of the third parties; Plunders of property, destruction or its damage, in connection with plunder or attempt at property plunder; For ignition case of radio-TV equipment, video equipment, tape recorders, photo - cinematographic equipment, musical centres, electronic equipment, conditioners, electric devices and home appliances.
What to do in case of an insured event?
Immediately, but not later than 3 working days to apply the application in written form to the insurance organization and corresponding bodies (hydrometeorological or seismological services, investigatory, judicial, police or other institutions)
Requirements for acquiring an insurance certificate
To apply the application to the State Insurance Organization
To present home property for inspection
Necessary documents for the payment of the sum insured?
The application for insured case
The insurance certificate (policy)
The certificate about destruction or home property damage
The certificate of approving of insured event from competent organizations (hydrometeorological or seismological services, fire prevention department or law enforcement bodies)
List of damaged home property
Photos of the damaged home property