Voluntary ecological insurance

Ecological insurance is one of the elements of the economic mechanism in the environmental protection. The object of insurance is civil liability associated with the obligation in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan on compensation for damage to the environment, as well as life, health and property of third parties, when the insured carries out his economic and other activities.


What we insure against?

Sudden, unintentional damage to the natural environment as a result of man-made or natural accidents leading to the release of pollutants into the atmosphere, pollution of the earth's surface, groundwater and surface water.

What to do in case of an insured event?

Immediately, but no later than 3 working days submit an application in writing to the insurance organization and the relevant authorities (medical, investigative, judicial, police or other institutions).

Requirements for acquiring an insurance certificate

  • To apply the application to the State Insurance Organization

Necessary documents for the payment of the sum insured?

  • Application for an insured event

  • Insurance certificate (insurance contract)

  • Act on the insured event

  • Certificate of insured event issued by the competent authorities

  • Documents of a medical institution in case of harm to life and health of third parties

  • In case of damage to the environment, to property of third parties - the calculation of the costs for clearing and repair work issued by the competent authorities

  • In the event of the death of third party - copy of the death certificate and certificate of inheritance

  • A copy of the document confirming the identity of the recipient of the sum insured (insurance indemnity

  • Documents confirming the legal costs associated with the insured event (if the legal costs were insured)

For more information, contact us in a convenient way for you: