Voluntary professional liability insurance

Professional liability insurance is a type of liability insurance, the object of which is the damage caused to life, health and property of third parties. By purchasing policy of the State Insurance Organization of Turkmenistan, you will work easier and will be confidence in the future.


What we insure against?

Life, health and property of the third parties, in connection with professional liability

What to do in case of an insured event?

Immediately, but not later than 3 working days to apply the application in written form to the insurance organization and corresponding bodies (medical, investigatory, judicial, police or other institutions).

Requirements for acquiring an insurance certificate

  • To apply the application to the State Insurance Organization

Necessary documents for the payment of the sum insured?

  • The application for insured event

  • The insurance certificate (policy)

  • The certificate of competent bodies on reason of insured event; The certificate for insured event

  • Calculation of restoration repairing cost

  • The medical institution certificate (in case of inquiry);

  • A copy of death certificate of the third party notarized in notarial order (in case of death)

  • The certificate of the right to inheritance

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For more information, contact us in a convenient way for you: