Voluntary investment insurance

The object of insurance is the property interests of the Insured associated with the implementation of investment activities. The objects of investment activity are newly created and modernized fixed assets and working capital in all sectors and spheres of the national economy, securities, targeted cash deposits, scientific and technical products, other property, as well as property rights and intellectual property rights.


What we insure against?

Bankruptcy of the policyholder who is an investment entity; failure (improper performance) by partners, contractors, suppliers of the Insured of their obligations when implementing the insured investment project; long-term (more than one month) stoppage of production or reduction in production volume at the investment site as a result of an accident, fire, explosion, or natural disaster; loss or damage to buildings, structures, equipment, fixed assets, and other material assets that are objects of investment due to an accident, fire, explosion, or natural disaster.

What to do in case of an insured event?

If an insured event occurs, immediately, but no later than 7 working days, submit an application in writing or electronically to the insurance organization and the relevant authorities.

Requirements for acquiring an insurance certificate

  • Submit an application in writing or electronically to the state insurance organization

  • Submit the insured object for inspection

Necessary documents for the payment of the sum insured?

  • 1) Application for an insured event

  • 2) Insurance certificate (insurance contract)

  • 3) Certificate of insured event

  • 4) Certificate of insured event issued by the competent authorities

  • 5) Documents confirming legal costs associated with the insured event (if the legal costs were insured);

  • 6) acts of fire authorities

  • 7) Conclusion of hydrometeorological services under the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan

  • 8) list of damaged (destroyed) objects

For more information, contact us in a convenient way for you: